The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Thursday, September 08, 2005

3 September 2005 - Sleeping Single in a Double Bed

ONES: P: Grandpa; C: Anna-something; 1B: John; 2B: Burma Girl; 3B: The Jaguar; SS: DT; OF: WeiXiong; American Alex; Jesson; TK
TWOS: P: New guy Nick; C: Andy; 1B: Heidi; 2B: Soo-eey; 3B: Rickey; SS: Sandman; OF: Gunz, Say-Hey Kid; CK; Spider; The Cheetah

Game 1:
ONES: 12
TWOS: 15

Game 2 (4 innings):

Rickey's Rambles:
The story of the game was that the TWOS got all of their runs from hitting singles. Small ball all the way. The ONES were swinging for the fences, and the fine TWOs outfield would just run them down. The ONES were also helped by a wet, puddle-y infield. Many hits just stopped cold with a huge splash of water, which made it hard for DT or the Jaguar to get to them. The TWOS built up a huge lead (8 or 9 runs) by the 4 inning and maintained it until the 8th. Then the ONEs came back with a fury, helped by good, hard hits as well as idiot cricket players wandering out outfield (Fei would have caught two massive hits by American Alex - they were routine for the Say-Hey Kid but not anyone else - if he didn't have to negotiate a maze of guys standing out there). The TWOs came back, but were still one run down by the top of the 9th. Spider secured the victory with a nice hit, which I think had 2 rbis.

Other Notes:
Grandpa loses it. Goes insane on the brain at the cricket players; Rickey also yells at one of them (I believe for the first time); American Alex shows no respect for the Say-Hey Kid when he's batting: Result is booming triple over AA's head; Lot's of sliding. John had particularly good form; Rickey molests player at 3rd. Makes play with his typical grace, runs to base to beat runner, and tumbles all over Anna-something.

MBP: TWOS outfield (collective award)
Biggest Bat: AA
Play of the Day: Rickey on 1st. Heidi hits grounder to John, who throws it to DT at 2nd and back to John. Textbook. Simple, not spectacular, but that's how it is done.
Bonehead Play of the Day: CK. When cricket player walks between him and Rickey in the middle of a play. He doesn't throw it.

1 comment:

  1. Her name was Adeline.
    Basically, she showed good judo skills, by proving a small petite girl can take out a 200 pound man using his own power.
