Yesterday saw a very, very rainy day, but we still insisted on getting a pre-wedding game of ball, particularly since even the frisbee players were out there in the rain. I shall leave the recap to DT, since I can't remember the score, but basically it was a great game in the rain, even though we were interrupted by a rampaging campus security guard who was just being a pain in the ass. Never mind that. Anyway I shall just post some of the pictures taken during Rube's wedding here.

Jones' maids of honour

Signing the guest book

A Rubesque pose

Little Jeffrey

Something is not right with the world, when Coach is wearing a suit, and all of us are wearing jerseys.
Before the solemniser arrived, the Rube was made to go through a series of trials by the maids of honour. That included...

...running away with the best man,

,attempting to run the best man into the wall,

, and waxing away.

"You've got a Singapore flag on your ass!" Ookay.

Indiana stepping up to help the Rube out, and getting a free waxing session to boot.

Some last minute preparations

Getting reading for the solemnisation to begin

The very happy groom

The wedding guests

Exchanging rings

Jones going through her vows

The solemniser, the married couple and their witnesses.

The happy couple going through their vows, in a ceremony led by Coach.

At one point in the Rube's vows, he actually promised to give up the Cardinals for Jones, a pronouncement that caused many gasps in the audience.

Coach holding aloft the vaunted yard

In between the two pictures above, a lot of time passed. This was possibly the slowest yard I've ever seen, but it's almost done.

The guests who are clearly enjoying their drinks and the Rube's yard-drinking endeavors.

I can't remember what was uttered when I took this picture, but from how they look, I don't think it was something particularly palatable...

... Or perhaps it was that they had to watch Coach and Rube do the cancan.

And the can can line grows in strength.

The Mick getting ready to catch the garter, with a little help from his glove. But as noted by many other people, he'll probably still miss it.

Ready for garter football
And after that, the rest of the night was spent in typical SAS fashion, drinking a lot more and talking away. I decided to stow away my camera, so that's it for the pictures, and with that, we have the wedding. All in all, a great night.

A new start together.
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