Hey Everybody!
Well, there is a new "little contrary" in the world who will soon be raising a racket on and off the ball field. Oscar Luigi Bazylewich was born on April 22 at 3.53pm and weighed in at 6.6lbs even. He should make a fine 3rd baseman if he's able to get in front of the ball better than his Dad and learns to make the throw to first more accurately than the aforementioned.
Emely is recovering nicely after 22 hours in labor --- yes, 22 hours. Seems like Oscar didn't mind the close quarters so the doctors went ahead with a C-section in the end. We're all at home now and all is well.
Looking forward to seeing some of you this May for the big ball tour to the southern Philippines. I'm making my way down to the tailor this week to see about touring jersey's. If I can get them done in time I'm pretty sure Rickey will even look more svelt when diving for the ball and turning two in one of his many day-dreams while pretending to do research at NUS. Ha Ha Ha! Those I don't see on this trip I'm sure to see next time I make a visa run to Singapore.
I'm attaching a MS word document called Oscar Luigi Bazylewich [2] that contains some captions and pictures. Hope you all enjoy! Also, Chris, our resident blogmaster, could you please forward this email on to those I've forgotten to include in the list, especially guys like Marvin who's email is now different. Thanks.
Take er easy all!
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