The karaoke machine saw heavy use from all parties present, including a classic david and goliath face-off between professional singers and the Daly brothers. Who won? The verdict is still out.
The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Tuesday, November 03, 2009
31 Oct 2009
Post-ball’s Saturday activity was Indiana’s birthday party at Soulout, Geok’s brother’s restaurant near Pasir Ris, along Farmway 1. Most of you would think... 'where the hell is that?', to that I’d say 'only 10mins from my home'. It was a fantastic night. Delicious (and wonderfully authentic) Peranakan food, wine, beer and, yes... song.
The karaoke machine saw heavy use from all parties present, including a classic david and goliath face-off between professional singers and the Daly brothers. Who won? The verdict is still out.
My favourite dish of the night, Ayam Buah Kulak (English translation, Chicken cooked with toxic nuts)
No kidding, he was reading the chinese characters from the screen. We’ve given him grief all through the Philippine trip, but the dude can sing.

The karaoke machine saw heavy use from all parties present, including a classic david and goliath face-off between professional singers and the Daly brothers. Who won? The verdict is still out.