The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Friday, August 27, 2010

26 Aug 2010 - Mission to JB

The Premas Track. Fantastic track with up and downslopes, beauty bends and turns, tight chicanes, lots of space for overtaking.

Charles Shumacher... more like Charles Deletraz

Horfun showing us how its done (she was there just last week on a recce mission)

Ripken spins out on the first corner

Chris overtakes Dave (and he overtook me back on the next lap)

Dave taking the inside line to overtake Ripken at the turn

Horfun overtaking Ripken on the power straight

The 2 quickest. Cool Papa and Horfun

They actually had a podium in the 'grandstand'.

In 2010 a crack commando unit was sent to JB by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the city underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire the C-Team.

Mad Dog aka Ripken, Hannibal aka Rickey, Face aka Horfun aka Saltier, B.A. aka Cool Papa.
The C-Team

Obviously the big angmos wanted to beat down on the chinese, so it was Horfun and I vs Rickey, Ripken and Dave. How is that fair you ask? Well, it wasn't. Horfun is a stone cold killer. She had the most kills on the board. Her new nickname is 'Saltier', cos she's better than Salt. You don't want to mess with her. While all of us were concentrating on headshots and center-mass shots (we had body armour). She went for the vulnerable apendages (after 'killing' them of course)
We won 3-2 btw.

Saltier takes out Rickey

Saltier takes out Ripken

Thursday, August 12, 2010

BBQ Weekend - 8 August 2010

Ziegler... Needs a nickname

Standing: Jor-El, Whotheffisthisguy?, Rugburn, Mauneau, Superdad, Indiana, Rickey, Geok, Ripken, Contrary, H
Squating: Sin, Mick, Horfun, Ziegler

Marty preparing his Buffalo Wings. The secret is BUTTER....

Jack 'the torpedo' Daly, Nephew of Michael 'Uboat' Daly.

Thomas and Jeffery. Sons of Alvin 'They-cut-my-core-muscles' Hew

Marty showing the right way to eat a buffalo wing

Jack 'The Torpedo' Daly struts his stuff for the White Gold

Jack and Dina. Little Jacky's gonna be a football star.

The little man likes his beer. Root beer.

Marty made the wings without hot sauce, he knows how to cater for kids.

The Vege spread...Meat's on the other table

Little ones enjoying the playground. I've never seen so many kids at a SAS BBQ.

Random Folks.

Marty and Ripken discussing a big trade for fantasy baseball

"Mrs Crosswell, are you trying to get me drunk?"

Coach teaching Ziegler about the 'O' ring.

Ripken's happy trading away Pujols for Brian Roberts.

Camera shy

Camera shy pt deux.

ok. whotheff is that guy behind Claudia? He's in the team photo and the BBQ photo.