The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Some photos with the New Canon 40D

This is the new 10.1MP dSLR from Canon, called the 40D. I was lucky to get my hands on it for a short preview before its launch.
Check out some of the shots.
Resized for your 56K pleasure

The Joba of Slo-pitch

Perfect Swing

It shoots at 6.5fps

Same as above, but Clay's bat speed is so fast, only 3 shots were captured

The view from Rickey's

Yup, that's cropped from the above shot. The woman is topless, but the man is in Speedos. For Male and Female viewing pleasure (I don't discriminate)

White Gold in the pool at Rickey's place (this is also cropped from the above shot)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

22 Sept 2007 - Not the Brightest Candle

ONEs: 1st Uboat, 2nd Horfun, 3rd Rube, SS DT, LF Mick, CF Superdad, RF Dr Geok
TWOs: 1st Indiana, 2nd Maglite, 3rd Red Cowboy, SS NewJohn, LF Rugburn, CF Rube, RF H, Rover Lil' One

Game 1: ONEs 14: TWOs 8

It was too hot. Brian wsa freid bofere teh nd fo teh geme.

All I remember was the Newpaper reporter showing up (finally) to interview some of us

The game was pretty fun though, despite the heat. The ground was hard, and the ball took some awkward bounces in the undulating and uneven turf.

It was a close game till the bottom of the 8th, when the ONEs suddenly opened up their big bats, and batted around almost twice, scoring 9 runs to take an unsurmountable lead.

The TWOs had no reply as the ONEs tightened up their defence to take a 1-2-3 9th inning.

The game was too close with too many excellent performances to give out awards.
Everyone deserves an MBP for this game.

Monday, September 17, 2007

15 Sept 2007 - Defensive Struggles

ONEs: 1st Indiana, 2nd Dr Geok, SS NewJohn, LF Mick, CF Rube, RF H
TWOs: 1st Uboat, 2nd Maglite, SS DT, LF Ramadan Dave, CF Knees, RF Rugburn

Game 1: ONEs 4: TWOs 3 (12 innings)

Beautiful day. Sun was shining from behind clouds, the rain had stopped and the field was soft and springy. No cricket monkeys in sight, and the frisbee idiots came too late to get the field.

For the first time in a long time, the diamond was set up at the 'old' corner. The backstop and fencing did not come into play as no one overthrew their targets (rare, I know)

With only 12 on the count, Prof Zen and Indiana rules were in effect. And with no obvious weaknesses in both lineups, the game quickly became a defensive struggle.

For 4 innings, it was the case of leaving men on base, as every inning ended with bases loaded. The ONEs finally managed to get on the boards, leading the way with 1 run in the 4th. The TWOs quickly answered with 2 runs of their own in the top of the 5th, but allowed another 2 runs in the bottom of the same inning. The TWOs finally managed to score a run to tie up the game in the 7th, and that score would remain the same through the normal game, deep into extra-innings.

It was the aggressive running from The Mick in the bottom of the 12th that led the way to a ONEs victory. He tried for 2nd base on a single into LF and was rewarded for his aggression. NewJohn stepped up to the plate and hit a booming liner into the gap between left and center and the Mick scored for the win.

Maglite had the best play of the game. In the 11th inning, with 1 out, and a runner on 1st and 2nd, she fielded a grounder up the middle, stepped on 2nd base to force the runner out and made a perfect throw to home for the DP.

Indiana easily won the award from Most Beatup Player. He was elbowed at first by a runner, crashed heavily into the ground while rounding 3rd and was hit in the spectacles by a liner going back up the middle. We had to stop the game so many times to check if he were ok, we might have to change his name to 'Time-out'. The spill he took going around 3rd base was the worst. We were worried he broke his collarbone or hip, but he gamely got up and carried on playing. In fact, after being throw out at home, he went on to pitch for his team for the next batter... and took a line drive that bounced out of his glove into his spectacles.

Prof Zen rules is hard when the outfield consists of people like Ramadan Dave, Rube, Knees, H, Rugburn and The Mick. No homeruns were allowed, and doubles were easily reduced to singles.
And with those arms, even doubles with a runner on 2nd were easily thrown out at home.

MBP (Most Beatup Player): Indiana
Gold Glove: Both shortstops
Best Bat: Uboat (1.000)
Best Play: Maglite (4-2 DP)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

09 September 2007 - Foreplay

ones: 1st uboat, 2nd Jialin,3rd Generalissimo, SS DT, LF Sandman, CF Rube, RF H
twos: 1st Rugburn, 2nd Maglite, 3rd Wayne, SS NewJohn, LF Mick, CF Knees, RF Red Cowboy
game 1: 12-12 (9 innings), Twos lead 14-12 (going into middle of 10th, game called on account of the security guy asking us to leave)

Went to Insomnia post-ball. Dave's new gig. He rocked, his band rocked, and the hot little number fronting his band likes the hard ball. She also called us 'Dave's foreplays'. No clue why. Rumor has it that Party Rambo Mick made an appearance late into the night. No confirmation though, as this writer was too busy celebrating his singlehood with a Margarita Party.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Why the White Man cometh to Asia

For the beautiful Asian Woman....

For the first time in SAS history, there were only white men and asian women on the field. Too bad the reporter didn't show up, or it would've made a hell of a story.

Waiting for the real blog entry.