The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Dear All:
There will be a BBQ at Joe's after softball on Saturday. For those who have been to one before, you know the usual drill. For those of you who haven't attended one before, just bring a little of something for all. We will be having the BBQ for a number of reasons, ranging from Andy's imminent departure to Ted's return to general enjoyment.

Please write me (and ONLY me) with what you will bring. We could probably use some potatos, pasta or some type of salad.

Here's a list so far...
Rickey: Puu Puus (of course)
Alirio: Marinated meats (and VENEZUALAN RUM, for toast to the next president, Ozzie Guilen)
Hongyan: Sausage
John: Some meat
DT: Sambal chicken
Jason/Diana: Salad
Geok: Noodles
Hassie: Roasted garlic (and then a new potato dish if he has time)
Andy: Corn
Dave: Anything you'd like...
See you on Saturday.

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