The baseball gods look kindly on those who have faithfully attended the Saturday game. We've always managed to garner better than usual numbers for 'last games' and 'BBQ weekends', and this Saturday was no different.
This was Horfun's last regular game for the next 5 years (or more if she gets a job somewhere else after her PHD), and everyone came out to say farewell. We had 18, and only missed 20 cos Hi-Tea was out on the DL, and Jor-El was teaching American Culture to an indian call-center.
Johnny Upton's legacy lives on. He brought out Chanopark and Hi-Tea, and Hi-Tea has brought out another 2 new TISH faculty. My favourite quote of the day (from one of the new guys) "When we heard this Englishman waxing lyrical about softball, we definitely had to check it out.". Good job Hi-Tea.
I honestly don't remember much about the game, only that the weather was fantastic, cool and slightly overcast, the numbers were brilliant and the ground was more diveted than the straightaway of the Kentucky derby. I've never seen so many bad bounces and misplays in a long time. Easy ground balls took wild hops, and sure-singles took warped spins into fielder's gloves. That the ground was super hard didn't help.
At the end of it all, it was a great game and a fantastic send-off for Horfun. We will definitely miss her. Good luck Seattle.

Ramadan Dave

Ziegler shows the arm that picked off Ripken at 1st

Horfun looking mighty demure before she hit the seams off the ball.

A black man ALWAYS looks around when a white man in a camouflage trucker hat wants to shake his hand.

Indiana and Geok. Waiting for the game to start... 6 hours later, waiting for people to decide to move for dinner.

Rickey got Tenure... no, Rickey got eighteen years.

Mr Science

Rugburn, making a no-look catch look easy (and cool)

Chanopark quote #431 "This is my line, nothing passes me"

From Left: Back row: Geok, H, Rickey, Ziegler, Cool Papa
3rd row: Santini, New Chris, Sin, Rugburn
2nd row: Dr Scrubs, Tom (who will yet earn his nickname), Indiana, Glove (where I'm supposed to photoshop my picture), Mick
Front row: Chanopark, Horfun, Ripken, Mr Science

Toast to Horfun


Bottoms up (Its small cos its not sharp)

Too... Legit... Too... Legit... To... Quit

Ziegler can't handle his peach schnapps.

The SAS Ladies (H was busy playing pool)

You've heard of 'blue suede shoes', have you seen 'Red Crocodile Boots'?

Indiana, Cool Papa and Horfun. Crotchshot cos of the studs on Cool Papa's pants.
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