The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Saturday, February 13, 2010

13 Feb 2010 - Last day of the Year of the Ox

Ones: 1st Ziegler, 2nd Jor-el, 3rd Indiana, SS DT, LF Mick, CF H, RF Geok
Twos: 1st Rickey, 2nd Horfun/Uboat, 3rd Generalissimo, SS DT, LF Ripken, CF VoodooChild, RF Uboat/Horfun

Box Score
Twos: 0 0 0 1 4 1 1 1
Ones: 10 2 4 2 3 1 4 3

Final Score Ones 29 : Twos 8

The weather was way too hot, the ground was way too hard and the ball was way too live. 3pm first pitch and we almost made it. Thanks to everyone who got there in time. First pitch was at 3:15, but it was close. We need to try to do this every week. 3pm first pitch.

The teams looked quite even when Rickey counted off. Who knew the awesomeness that is H would display her majestic bat on the last day of the ox year. H was unstoppable. She hit for a thousand, with 5 HRs, 8 runs and uncountable RBIs. She hit line drives down the right field line, down the left field line. She smacked deep fly balls over the rightfielder's head. Her bat breathed fire, and her feat ran rings around the bases.

On paper, the Twos looked like they had the edge, with a more powerful albeit slower lineup. Who'd have predicted the Ones taking a 10 run lead in the bottom of the 1st. We should have mercyed, but the Twos decided to play on. VoodooChild was traded for Ziegler after the end of the 2nd when the Ones tacked on another 2 runs. Even with the swap, the Twos didn't put a run on the board till the 4th.

H pretty much led off almost every inning, and scored every time. She definitely burned her calories in lieu of CNY feasting. The Twos were unstoppable, piling on the runs. They had their tactics right. The ground was hard, and the ball was live. Instead of pounding deep fly balls, they drove the ball into the ground and let the errors get them on base.

The Twos did managed to get some baby steps into the fray with 4 runs in the 5th, but it was the last time they managed to string together any hits. They were entirely shut down and shut out. The Mick put the nail into the coffin with a final HR in the bottom of the 8th, making the final score 29-8, for a double-mercy victory for the Ones.

Horfun got taken out again, this time at home, by her own team. A perfect relay to Horfun to tag Rickey out at home. Rickey smacked Horfun's glove so hard that she was flung onto the ground, landing on her backside. It was an awful play. The ball dropped out, and technically Rickey scored the run, but no one was going to argue that call. He was out on the tag. Horfun seems to be getting the short end of the straw week after week with the big boys just steamrolling her over. Guys, the woman's got a black belt in taekwondo. You don't want to mess with her.

MBP: H - 8 runs, 5 HRs, 10+ RBI

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