The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Red Cowboy Rides Again!

Winners 13 (Maglite 4, The Mick 6, Horfun 5, Rugburn 7, Knees 8, Red 9)
Losers 12 (Indiana 3, Burma Girl 4, Bruiser 6, U-boat5, Cool Papa 7, H 9)
(All time Rube 3 & 8)

U-boat may or may not have a 16 year old bride in the heart of darkness. It was a dark and stormy night. Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth. Lone gunman? Grassy knoll? Back and to the left, back and to the left...

Stay on target. Fake wife brought the bat. Game on.

It was hot. The field was hard. Our heads throbbed.

And out of the swirling dust rode the Red Cowboy. He did stuff.

We set up the field, braved the elements, and began what turned out to be a competitive game, in spite of the frisbo fellas and the crew of crazy cricketting fellas loitering in the field. Yep, this is the direction we are going in.

The Winners jumped out quick on some fine hitting by Maglite and Knees, who laced a hard line drive over Rube's head for a base clearing home run. Then the game settled into a defensive display, with double plays, fine catches in the outfield, and a one-time-only all-star performance by The Mick at short. He was the white Ozzy Smith - making all sorts of defensive plays while meekly grounding out every at bat.

Aggressive base-running led to some fine throw outs: Rugburn gunned down H trying to go first to third; Uboat and the Rube connected to nail Horfun, also at third. Bad day for chinese girls.

Karma finally reared its ugly head as the Rube caught a poor throw by Rugburn in the throat, which momentarily rendered him speechless. The resident medical committee, consisting entirely of doctors of non-medicine, determined that chewing tobacco and softball don't mix. This ain't the big leagues. A frustrated Papa delivered a 'ricky' and rocked one off the Mick's shin. Both had it coming.

The losers proved their lack of class by attacking the new guy, unaware that he is actually The Red Cowboy, and had a son who played in the NHL. While his bat might have cooled down, Big Red made a few fine catches in the outfield, and has proven to be a fine addition to the gang.

Oh yeah, the losers tried to crawl back into the game with an 8th inning rally. As the name implied, they failed. History is written by the winners, bitches.

Points of note:
Uboat is a defensive wiz when girls hit soft line drives right at him.
Clay NEVER looks like he is actually going to catch the ball.
Paying attention to the warning terrorist warning videos in the MRT, Bruiser immediately responded when a suspicious looking fella left a black bag in left field.
Maglite is becoming a fine second basewoman, assuming positioning and cheery demeanor are not required.
Rugburn dropped a routine pop fly, and tried to blame it on the cricket players. We can't remember anything else he did today.
Indiana is very excited about the arrival of the Red Cowboy - now has someone to reminsce about the Revolutionary war. It is good that those who were once enemies can enjoy a fine game of softball together. The red coats have arrived.
H is clearly hooking up with a rich rich man (NOTE THE MERCEDES SHE ROLLS IN) -->[editor's note]It's her real daddy, and not a sugar daddy. Sugar daddy drives a Porsche
Cool Papa was not getting a lot of action in left field - we hope this changes for all of us once his gig at Chijmes begins.
New eyes make the Mick a new man, but he sure can't hit.
Horfun showed up with a stolen car. Never saw that coming

MBP: DT - cause he never gives himself the belt.
Biggest Bat: Knees
Gold Glove: The Mick
Best after game outfit: The Red Cowboy
DY: Knees

Kindly posted by Horfun w/ assists going to The Mick, U-boat, and Rugburn

[Editor's questions] Has the Uboat finally returned? We all thought he retired after that display of incredible offensive prowess several weeks ago when he hit for the cycle and ran like someone offered him a job.

[Editor's note] For those less baseball/softball savvy of readers...
1 - Pitcher, 2 - Catcher, 3 - 1st Baseman, 4 - 2nd Baseman, 5 - 3rd Baseman, 6 - Shortstop, 7 - Left fielder, 8 - Center fielder, 9 - Right fielder
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