Although it was one of the clearest days in a few weeks, not enough people showed up. Since there were low numbers, The Venezualan Jaguar, The Rube, DT, The Mick and New John went to the batting cage, where they learned about The Jaguar's wicked curveball. After an hour or so of hitting they joined Rickey, Horfun, Sandman and Mrs. Sandman at Joe's. After some drinking and pool playing, we headed to bowling. The Jaguar and New John had to head off elsewhere, but the rest rolled (joined by Jonesy).
ONE: Rickey, The Mick, Horfun
TWO: Sandman, DT, Rube, Mrs. Sandman
The TWOs got out the brooms as they had a sweep in three games, despite the Mick's best efforts. Rickey and Horfun struggled in different games and the Mick couldn't make up the difference, despite bowling 198 in the second game. The Mick's low game was in the 170s. Rickey had second best honors, but not by much. Rube, Sandman and DT also bowled well. As for Mrs. Sandman, they oiled the lanes in the middle of the second game, and it hurt her spinning game. Horfun had a rough start, but once the Mick coached her on delivery she was rolling with the pros.
Lebowski: The Mick
Walter: Rickey
Most Elegant: Mrs. Sandman
Number 9: Rickey (taking the crown from Sandman)
Angriest Bowler: Rube
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