It was a valiant effort for an early start, but even though we showed up before the frisbee idiots, the field was already occupied by the cricket monkeys. This time, they had an official booking so we had no choice but to move to our alternate field.
The field was actually in pretty good shape. There were some bumps and holes which resulted in several unpredictable bounces but all in all, the ground had settled in quite well. I think a couple more weeks of rain and sun will do that field good.
We only had 13 with the disappearence of the Mick, Swissmiss, Cool Papa and Superdad. We found out later that the Swissmiss was canoodling late into the night and couldn't wake up. We still don't know what happened to the Mick, Cool Papa and Superdad. With an uneven number, I played all-time in the field and the batting team supplied pitcher and catcher.
Rugburn had a superb hitting day. He was sending them deep into center-right for back to back to back home runs. I'm honestly eagerly waiting in anticipation for the day when we can get Rugburn, Rube, The Mick, Superdad, The Generalissimo and Cool Papa on the same day, having their respective hitting streaks. It would be a sight to behold. Whoever won that would be crowned the batting champion of champions. Too bad none of them have hit a walk-off homerun to win a championship... ah the stuff of legends ;)
The teams were suprisingly even, with both teams see-sawing the lead from inning to inning. When one team took a lead, the other team immediately tied and regained the advantage in the next inning. I had expected this race to have ended neck-to-neck in a photo finish until the 6th. The TWOs scored 13 runs during their at-bat to lay the game wide open for them. They strung together hit after hit, and most of their runs came with 2 down. It wasn't that the ONEs couldn't get that last out defensively, it was just that the TWOs were on a hitting streak. Even Horfun got into the action with a sweet opposite field liner that took everyone, including her own team, by surprise. Talk about shock and awe.... The ONEs had no answer when they got up to bat. And the TWOs won by mercy.
Second game was quite interesting as both teams agreed to switch their positional players. Infielders went to the outfield, Outfielders came in. The TWOs had an even better looking infield than in the first game.
We finished about 5ish, which was too late to start on basketball. However, after hearing about 'The J', we decided to cut short our beer time at Joes to head over to Kent Vale for some hoops. With no natural center to guard The Rube, we decided to try the old 'Best player + Ladies' vs Men teams. We did that once with Superdad + Ladies vs the Guys, and we obviously didn't learn our lesson. The guys were taught a lesson in teamwork and passing. Rube dominated below the rim, grabbing all the rebounds. The Ladies meanwhile, were scoring point after point from the floor. The Men simply could not catch a break. No one could make a shot, and even easy layups were denied by the roll of the rim. The guys just couldn't get into the rim... which most of us are used to anyway.
End of the day, Rube and his angels won 4 straight. 10-4, 10-5, 10-3, 10-6. And the worst part? The last three games, it was 3 vs 4. Yes, Rube, Heidi and Burma Girl vs the 4 dopes. And even with the extra man, we still lost. For Shame!!!
We finished too late to go bowling (abt 9.30pm), but the effort was there. We definitely have to try it again. It was really good fun, and the basketball was a great workout!
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