The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

9 August 2006 - Kyle's Angels

Two separate games were played. Both used Prof Zen/Indiana rules.

The first game was Singaporeans v. Foreigners (plus Horfun). The line-up was....
The Maju-lahs: 1B: Geok; 2B: Diana; SS: DT; OF: Heidi, Male Jo, Jason
Foreign (Talent?): 1B: Rickey; 2B: Horfun; SS: Sandman; OF: Superdad (Kyle II), Irish Joyce, Indiana

Game ONE (5 innings - Mercy)
Majulahs: 5
FT: 16
The key to the game was Superdad's balls sliding past Heidi in the outfield. Following aneuryisms, all was fine. Also, Irish Joyce snuffed out any potential momentum with a nice stretching catch off of a good hit from Geok. The supposed Foreign Talent could have finished it off earlier, but weird drop balls kept happening. On the final out, DT scrambled quicker than he would upon seeing Princess Leia at a Star Wars convention to get a past ball (he was playing catcher).

DT proposed that we have Kyle II and all the ladies take on the rest. Well, Kyle's angels took us down... BAD.
Kyle's Angels: 1B: Geok, 2B: Diana; SS: Irish Joyce; LF: Kyle II; CF: Heidi; RF: Horfun
The Angel's Bee-achs: 1B: Indiana; 2B: DT/Rickey; SS: Male Jo; LF: Sandman; CF: Rickey/DT; RF: Jason

Kyle's Angels: 16
TAB: 10

First of all, the ladies hit very well. They would put some on, and then Kyle II would hit a homer. Also, they played defense well. Irish Joyce held down short, while Heidi and Kyle II caught numerous hits to the outfield. With that said, DT also gave away third base to the ladies (meaning they could stop there; they didn't have to score from 2B - a cornerstone of Prof. Zen rules. What was he thinking?).

1) There needs to be a new category: B3K2 (Best Batter Besides Kyle II); 2) Rickey should have stayed in bed. Even when he was hitting well in the 2nd game, Horfun and Heidi had his mojo. Kyle made a spectacular diving catch of his best hit in the last inning; 4) The ladies played great D.

MBP: Kyle II
BB3K2: Sandman
Gold Glove: Irish Joyce
Play of the Day: Kyle II
Pimp Daddy: Kyle II

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