DY : Pitcher
Sandman : CF
Grandpa : LF
Rube : 1st
Jotsze : 3rd
Heidi : 2nd
Albert : SS
Fei : RF
Dom : Catcher
SAS at home
Top 1: 9-0
Batter 1: Fly out to 4, out
Batter 2: Double to E7
Batter 3: Single to E6
Batter 4: 6-5-4 DP, 2 outs
Bottom 1: 4-9
DY: Single to LF
Sandman: Double to RF
Grandpa: Walk
Rube: Grandslam HR, 4 RBIs, DY, Sandman, Grandpa, Rube scores
Jotsze: Single to LF
Heidi: 6-3 DP, 2 outs
Albert: K
Top 2: 9-4
Batter 5: 5-3, out
Batter 6: 5-3, out
Batter 7: Single to LF
Batter 8: Fly out to 8, out
Bottom 2: 4-9
Fei: Single to CF
Dom: K, out
DY: Fly out to 1, out
Sandman: Single to RF, tagged out at second base *
Grandpa: 5-6, out
Top 3: 9-4
Batter 9: 2-3, out
Batter 1: K, out
Batter 2: Single to E6
Batter 3: 5-3, out
Bottom 3: 8-9
Rube: HR, RBI, Rube scores
Jotsze: HR, RBI, Jotsze scores
Heidi: Single to RF
Albert: K
Fei: Double to E8
Dom: Single to RF, tagged out 9-6 stealing extra bases, 2 RBIs, Heidi, Fei scores
DY: HR, RBI, DY scores
Sandman: Single to RF
Grandpa: 5-3, out
Top 4: 9-8
Batter 4: 5-3,out
Batter 5: Single to E6, 8-4, out
Batter 6: Single to 8
Batter 7: K
Bottom 4: 8-9
Rube: Single to CF, 4-6, out
Jotsze: Fly out to 6, out
Heidi: Single to 4, fielders choice
Albert: K, out
Top 5: 9-8
Batter 8: K
Batter 9: 3-4, out
Batter 1: Single on E6
Batter 2: Fly out to 5
Bottom 5: 11-9
Fei: K
Dom: K
DY: Single to CF
Sandman: Double to RF
Grandpa: HR, 3 RBIs, DY, Sandman, Grandpa scores
Final Score, SAS wins 11-9
MBP: Rube
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