ONES: 1B: Heidi; 2B: Diana; SS: The Venezualan Jaguar; LF: Kyle II; CF: Grandpa; RF: Jason
TWOS: 1B: DT/Rickey; 2B: Burma Girl; SS: Rickey/DT; LF: Rugburn; CF: Sandman; RF: DY
ONES: 24
TWOS: 17
We played Prof. Zen/Indiana Rules again. It was a good day, not too hot or sunny, but also not cloudy. The game seemed to go on forever, very slow innings. The TWOS started off hot getting a 7-4 lead, before the ONES exploded behind the killer line-up of Kyle II, Jason, Jaguar and Grandpa. In two middle innings they scored 12 runs, and had the TWOS close to mercy (16-7 with men on), when the onslaught finally stopped. It was ugly. The TWOS clawed their way back, being only one run down (18-17) in the middle of the 8th. But, the ONES just turned on the guns again to finish it off.
1) Kyle II and the Jaguar had slow starts, but began participating in a homerun contest in the middle of the game. Huge boomers; 2) Grandpa needs to develop his communication skills. In the 3rd, Rickey hit a boomer that made Grandpa and Kyle II smack into each other; next play, Grandpa and the Jaguar run into each other; 3)Everyone played defense well; it was just the Jaguar/Kyle II combo that finished it off; 4) The TWOS had some solid hitting from Rugburn, Sandman and DY; 5) BBQ on 5 August.
MBP: The Venezualan Jaguar
Biggest Bat: Kyle II
Gold Glove: The Jaguar
MINE: Grandpa
Rickey, how come you were at SS? Been drinking or what?