The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Saturday, March 11, 2006

11 March 2006 - Jug Ball

ONES: C: Rickey 1B: Rickey/Grandpa; 2B: DT; OF: Patrick, Marv-elous
TWOS: C: Big Dick; 1B: Heidi; 2B: The Generalissimo; OF: Prof. Zen (or Johnny Cash), Seven

Game One:
TWOS: 10

Game Two (3 Innings):

We have invented a new game, and it ultimately will develop our hitting skills. Left field, and anything to the left is an out. So, you have to hit to RF or CF, or basically right of 2B. When you are base running, you cannot stop at 3B. So, you have to score from 2B (thanks to Andy for figuring out that variation). Plus, we all batted left. Thus, there were some strikeouts, and there were some jugs served at Joe's. The weather was hot, and all had a really great time making fun off the bad swings.

1) Big Dick is back, at least for the week. It was good to see him strolling up in the 3rd inning; 2) Seven is a leftie and doesn't even know it. He was getting some great hits. He actually batted better than he usually does from the right; 3) Okay. Rickey's had enough of this hitting at him. Patrick hit a boomer at ankle height when Rickey was pitching. Damn, it hurt. Still does. Curses flew. But, Rickey stumbled to the ball and got Patrick out. Huge swelling on the left shin right now; 4) Marv-elous had a monster homer from the opposite side; 5) Of all the bad swings, Rickey had to have the worst. But, he always made contact, straight to the Venezualan Jaguar; 6)Prof. Zen was hitting them right down the line of cones in CF. He knows how to Walk the Line, just like the Man in Black.

MBP: Seven
Gold Glove: Venezualan Jaguar
Play of the Day: Rickey
DY: Rickey
Hit of the Day: Marv-elous

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