What a great BBQ.
The numbers were slightly lacking, (the numbers has been lacking for the last couple of months at ball too) but the usual stalwarts were there.
Hassie showed up with a marvelous dish, with ample toppings and a delicious looking spread... oh and he brought roasted garlic cloves too. Rickey as usual brought his PuuPuus, cept this time, they were a little wet. I've never been a fan of the wet puu but it went down well with the rest of the crowd. Jason and Diana brought salad. It was green. The Generalissimo brought his usual delectable choice of meat cuts. Beef, Pork and Fish marinated to perfection. They were quickly grilled and consumed with non left over. I did sambal chicken wings with an "Extra-special" batch with a special sauce. Those who unknowingly ate those particular wings without warning, I apologise. :D I say Fei eat a whole piece, I swear, that guy can smile through anything. He was chomping on a special-hot-wing, sweating buckets and smiling. Heidi bought(keyword) sausages. Those were pretty good, and were quickly consumed as well.
Surprisingly, there were no leftover meats. Usually for an SAS BBQ, there is an abundance of meats and much of it is wasted and not consumed. This time, there was a perfect amount. I guess the loss of Kitty and Guppy made the difference as they usually bring alot more meat as well.
Coach made a guest appearance, and it was great to talk baseball with him again. The Windmill also made a guest appearance with his wife and very cute daughter. I caught The Generalissimo carrying her around making cooing sounds to her. Awww. it was so cute!
The Beer Tab ran into about $400, which Rickey generously picked up to "share the wealth" of his promotion. Though, the $400 did not include the 4 Jugs of Beer Rickey had to ante up as part of his poor choice in team-backing. Rickey also brought a bottle of 15 year old single malt, and The Generalissimo donated his "little drops of heaven" Venezulean Rum. Good stuff!
Prof Zen downed his yard of beer most sportingly, and he was none the worse for it. Somehow, we managed to get Geok to show off her powers (as the current yard record holder) to down one as well. Last time we checked, she was still sprawled in the driveway in front of BBQ pit.
Overall a great night! No over consumption of alcohol leading to memorable discussions, yet a wonderful crowd, a fantastic atmosphere and a brilliant party!
Notes: We celebrated
1. NigeyPooh's last few days as a free man, come Nov, he will become Mr Jenny
2. Prof Zen's departure to the states, (and not Canada as Rickey would have us believe)
3. Indiana's Birthday! The guy is like 60, with a quadruple bypass, and the way he plays ball puts those of us half his age to shame!
4. Rickey's Tenure. Yes, he's stuck here for the rest of his life, which is not surprising considering....
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