ONES: P: Burma Girl; C: Yogi; P: Indiana; 2B: NTU Chick; SS: Nomar; 3B: Venezualan Jaguar; OF: Cool Papa, Wei Xiong; Rube; NTU Dude, Pao (aka Distraction #2)
TWOS: P: Jesson/Grandpa/Rickey; C: Hor Fun; 1B: Andrew/Jesson/Rickey; 2B: Guppy/Andrew; SS: Sandman; 3B: Rickey/Grandpa; OF: Grandpa, Say Hey Kid; Heidi; Nelly; Gunz; TS (that's right, a Tan sighting!!!)
1st Game:
2nd Game:
Rickey don't know. He goes to Malay Vampire Movie.
Great game on a great afternoon. It was Cool Papa's day, but more on that later. There were great hits, almost a comeback, a return of a Tan, speedy running, and a good crowd. What more could you ask for?
Well, first of all, apparantly DT slept through the game. A bit shocking, but he does have a busy work schedule (almost as full as Rickey's). Without DT, who to rant at? 1st basemen of course, unless I'm playing the position. Also, TS came back. Good to see a Tan in left field again. However, if no other Tans come soon they will have to be re-classified as rookies, and TS moves up to Tan Brother #1.
The game itself was a Cool Papa-fest. He had 2 homeruns, a triple and a double. Did I mention the fielding? Well, he had some great catches and throws, although a few bordered on "drama mama" (making the easy look difficult) status. He was simply amazing, and it was good to have Cool Papa back. The Ones had a Murderer's Row line-up. In two different innings they scored 5 runs on huge homers, fast baserunning and relentless pressure. By the 8th inning, the Ones had a nine run lead (and could have easily had a mercy). The Twos fought back with 4 runs in the top of the ninth, but then ran out of gas.
1) Gunz had the best hit in years, but looking back a day later it was probably foul. It was so incredible though, everyone was stunned. He hit a line drive like a bullet down the 1B line, after 50 meters it curled around the soccer goalposts (which were on the line). Cool Papa had to field it some 30-40 meters into foul territory. Only Cool Papa's speed and arm (and Gunz' bare feet) kept it from being a homer. Gunz ended up with a triple; 2) Hor Fun had a clutch hit over the entire defense, right on the line to advance runners. But, when Hor Fun taught her friends how to bat they did worse than they had done at their 1st at bats...; 3) Cool Papa's 2 homers were to the exact same place; 4) Grandpa had a great hit right down the 3rd baseline. Cool Papa [are you picking up the pattern?] holds him to a triple; 5) The Jaguar, once again, with the double play. Hard hit at his feet. Impossible snag. Catches runners advancing, and calmy throws to Indiana at 1st; 6) But, play of the day was WeiXiong's running. He needs a new nickname (either Flash, Lickety-Split (for us southerners), or just Speed). He hit a hard grounder to Grandpa at 3B, who fields it perfectly and throws it perfectly. But, WeiXiong beats it. Perfect fielding, but the speed was jaw-dropping. Even Cool Papa was shaking his head.
MBP: Cool Papa
Biggest Bat: Cool Papa
Drama Mama: Cool Papa
Play of the Day: WeiXiong
Hit of the Day: Gunz
Gold Glove: Venezualan Jaguar and Cool Papa (tie)
Bonehead Play of the Day: Not turning on the alarm clock
DT Rant Scale: 0 (no one else to blame)
Tsk tsk, if I don't teach them how to bat properly, how else are we gonna get free beer? Anyway, second game was called off after like the 2nd inning, due to heavy rain, which miraculously stopped 5 minutes from the time we left the field. The event left Indiana feeling rather grumbly, mumbling, "in the old days yada yada..."
I'm sure Rickey works 18 hour days, spends 3 hours travelling and 1 hour playing video games, leaving him 2 hours to sleep.
ReplyDeleteOh well....
So where are the comments about dropped balls and balls between the legs at short? Was there really a distraction?