SEVEN (the hat, the cross, the cig, the facehair and of course, the bloodshot eyes)

SWAT (the blacksuit, the guns, the alert eyes)

Guppy (The handsfree earpiece, the suit, the jetlagged eyes, clouds cos he's always flying)

Kyle (the dirty singlet, the bottle of beer, and the scarf)

Heidi (the bat, the bear and those dazed eyes when she has too much work to do)

Misty (look at the tears)

Princess (look carefully at the hands, those are claws...)

The Rube (doesn't the halo reveal everything?)

Rickey (The generous smile)
I can't legally show the last one, until QEFTSG airs in june, but you can click
THIS LINK to see it.
Btw, can you guess the characters? or rather who these characters represent from SAS?
These are NOT real southpark characters, I made them up.
come on, no one???
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