Ones: 1st Rickey, 2nd High Tea, 3rd Ziegler, SS Chris/Rugburn, LF Rugburn/Bumblebee, CF Gunz, CF Sin, RF Sin/Chris
Twos: 1st Shane, 2nd Baskets, 3rd Generalissimo, SS Mick, LF Dave, CF Kelson, CF Ripken, RF Scooterboy
Box Score:
Twos 0 1 7 1 5 1 2 0 0
Ones 7 0 5 2 1 4 2 0 0
Ones 21 : Twos 17
Finally, the first REAL game of 2011. Looking back at the blog entries, it seems that we could never start the year till Mid March. WTF. Oh well.
We've never had a game without a female on the field either, but I guess there's a first time for everything.
Headed to Joe's home as he was hosting a dinner party. Met Mrs Gunz. She's really cool.

Standing (From left): Generalissimo, Sin, Rugburn, Rickey, Gunz, High Tea, Mauneau, Ripken, Shane
Front Row (From left): Chris, Ziegler, Bumblebee, King of Funk Bass, Mick, Scooterboy, Baskets
Late: Misty
Photographer: H