The Names have been changed to Protect the Errorists

Saturday, November 25, 2006
25 November 2006 - Famous Last Words
Pitch: Dom, Catch: Burma Girl, 1st: H, 2nd: Horfun, 3rd: Generalissimo, SS: New John, LF: Superdad, CF: The Mick, RF: DT, Rover: Mike the Aussie
Montfort boys + Lloyd, Clement, Gilbert, Salehin, Ironman, Indiana and Sandman
We started the game with 9 of SAS vs 8 of the boys, so when Indiana and Burma Girl showed up, Lloyd picked Indiana for his team, and consequently, Sandman as well. He needn't have bothered, because at the end of the day, Lloyd had more than 16 guys on his team, having to sit out his kids over the innings. Did I mention that it was pouring. And the alternate field has the same clay consistancy as the NUS field of bygone days of old.
Even with 1 man short at the start of the game, The MBs showed their stuff, taking an early 3 run lead. SAS had no answer, even with the batting lineup of Seven, The Mick, New John and Superdad starting the rotation. SAS only managed to get a run on the board in the second inning, with Patrick showing a little Arod slap off the ball to get called safe at home.
The MBs pushed their lead again in the top of the third, driving in several runs with smart singles hitting and aggressive base running. The SAS had no answer. They finalled clawed their way back into the game in the bottom of the 5th, with only 2 runs behind. But it was not to be, as the SAS fought back to try to stay in the game, the MBs fought even harder to extend their lead. At the top of the 6th, they scored 7 runs to take a 13-5 lead. the SAS finally got their heads in the game for a little while, playing better defense and stringing together some hits to bring the score back to a reasonable 13-11 by the top of the 9th.
The MBs were like great fishermen. They threw out the bait, slowly reeled in the catch, taking up the slack, but never letting the fish strain on the string. They let the SAS believe that they could catch up, and like all great fishermen, the MBs knew when to snap the pole and pull in the catch. They scored 13 runs in the top of the 9th to utterly destroy the SAS. Though not all the runs were due to hitting, some of them were due to horrible errors in the field. The ball was slippery, did I mention that it was raining heavily?
Going into the bottom of the 9th 15 runs down, the SAS did not yet admit defeat. They struggled hard and tried to at least salvage a non-mercy score out of the game. They were very close to succeeding, ending the game at 26-16.
MBP: Lloyd's Boys
Biggest Bat: Lloyd's Boys
Golden Glove: Lloyd's Boys
DY: Lloyd's Boys
Michal Jackson award: The Mick (Wearing one glove, AND throwing his ball into the back of a 13year old kid)
Famous Last Words: The Mick: We're playing the kids? Yeah, we're gonna kick some ass
Redeeming words: DT: We've never beaten them on Saturday, but we win when it counts....when a championship is at stake.
Final Score
Montfort Boys 26 : SaturdayAfternoonSoftballers 16
DT Rants...
It was an old school game of epic proportions. Fantastic numbers (there were more than 26 guys on the field IN THE RAIN). Fabulous wet, soggy, muddy, clayy, lumpy ground. Heavy, bone numbing, sock soaking, underwear drenching downpour. Superb skills shown on both teams. ESPN highlight reel plays from all, dives, slides, impossible catches and plays. Errors of stupendous stupidity. There were no gigantic hits though, as we were using a rubber ball, but there were some superb directional placement. What a great game. It totally brought me back to the games of yore, during the olden days, in the before times. Standing soaking wet, and cold in the outfield, waiting for the ball that would never reach me. Trying to lift my waterlogged, rainsoaked, enormously heavy glove. It was GREAT!
This is the kind of game that makes me drive 30mins every saturday, give up spending time with my loved one, resting from a bad week at work, having a good meal...etc week after week after week. Brilliant.
On to Next Week.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
DT Rants
Having only 12, we played our usual modified rules. Rickey did the count-off, and while the teams looked relatively even on paper, it was a world of difference in the game. The TWOS pummeled the ONES mercilessly. Within the first at-bat, they went through their entire lineup TWICE, scoring 9 runs and leaving 2 men on base. That's a total of 14 batters in one inning. Everything that could go wrong for the ONES, went wrong. Even a simple DP with bases loaded turned into a two-run scoring single. And when it was the ONES turn at bat, everything went right for the TWOS in the field. At the end of two innings, the score was the reflection of the luck that the ONEs were having. 13 to nought. Even with the Mick arriving fashionably late and joining the ONEs at the bottom of the second to bat would not change the score. His bat, immunized by Sandman's running-over-the-shoulder-no-look catch.
TWOS win by Mercy in two innings.
Game 2 started with The Mick joining the ONEs full time. Rickey, wisely volunteered to pitch to both teams (though he was throwing the junk to his former team and throwing HR pitches to the TWOS). The TWOs again built up a strong lead, putting in run after run with no answer from the ONEs. DT stole two innings from this game calling the bottom of the 5th as the bottom of the 7th. It was a good theft as everyone was worn out and sitting-on-the-grass exhausted. With no where to go but up, the ONEs mounted an all out attack to try and win the second game. In the bottom of the 9th(actually 7th), the ONEs finally strung together a series of hits (and also wised up to start picking on Jay) and HRs to catch the TWOs to within 1 run. It was not to be though, as even with the two-out rally, the ONEs could not get that 1 decisive run to tie the game. The TWOs won... in 7 innings.
Other News.
December is going to be a pretty packed month. With two weddings and a Barbecue.
Dec 2 is Dom's wedding. We'll be playing ball as usual and skipping the church wedding. We'll head to the dinner place after ball for a night of drinking and debauchary.
Dec 9 is Jason and Diana's wedding. To show our support for them, we've decided to change (for the first time in history) the ball game to the morning. First pitch will be at 11am. We'll grab lunch after and head to the church for the ceremony that'll take place at 4pm. Bowling is planned after for those interested.
Dec 16 is the Grand 2006BBQ. We'll be saying farewell to some, and hello to others. Email will be sent out soon for menu consolidation.
On to Next Week
Fwd: Fake Steve, Fake Alex, and Emely are coming to town
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Martin Bazylewich <>
Date: Nov 18, 2006 6:41 PM
Subject: Fake Steve, Fake Alex, and Emely are coming to town
Hey Guys!
Just wanted to update you all that we are going to be in Singapore for a holiday. We arrive in Singapore on Nov. 25th at 11.30pm on A Cebu Pacific flight from Cebu-Singapore. Yes, this is Saturday and it means I will have missed softball, but it is the only flight from Cebu that we can take. Not to worry, I'll be able to play the following Saturday. We're staying until December 5th, but during this time we will also be going up to Malaysia for a holiday. Marvin has graciously agreed to host us while we are in Singapore, and a friend of ours will host us up in Malaysia.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon. My mouth is watering already at the various food places I'm going to gorge at. I'm interested in this new hawker place that serves beauty burgers as well. Maybe we can try it like Chris suggested after ball the following week?
Anyways, I gotta run. I'll email more news if things change, otherwise we'll be seeing you soon.
Take er easy.
Fake Steve
Sunday, November 19, 2006
18 November 2006 -
TWOS: 1B: Indiana; 2B: Geok; SS: Clement; LF: Rugburn; CF: Sandman; RF: Jay
All Time Pitcher (Game 2): Rickey
Game One (2 Innings):
TWOS: 13
Game Two (7 Innings, although we claimed it was 9):
ONES: 17
TWOS: 18
It was nice, hot, clear day for the first time in two months. The main field was roped off to let the grass recover, so we went to the alternate field, and played Indiana/Prof Zen rules. The first game was just sad. If it could go wrong for the ONES, it did. The TWOS, meanwhile, were making spectacular catches. The Rugburn/Sandman combo in the outfield was particularly effective. In game two, the TWOS really took control, often leading by 8 or 9 runs, but they couldn't put away the mercy. In the top of the 9th, the ONES came back with 8 runs but couldn't get the tie or lead.
1) Great catches by Rugburn, Indiana and Sandman made the TWOS defense quite solid. Doesn't hurt when you have Clement at SS too; 2) When Heidi batted, the TWOS did a "Ted Williams" shift. She still wouldn't hit it to Left; 3) On one hit between Superdad and the Mick, the Mick was a spectator. But, he offered verbal support as Superdad ran down the ball; 4) Jason delivered wedding invitations; 4) Indiana had some wicked hits to RF.
MBP: Indiana
Biggest Bat: Rugburn
Gold Glove: Rugburn/Sandman
Laziest: Rickey
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
DT Rants stuffing meat into his mouth
Squeezing Rickey, Rugburn, Sandman and Horfun into the back of my Mazda 3 was no mean feet. Luckily, we were heading FOR dinner. It was a tighter fit AFTER dinner when I gave JUST Rickey and Rugburn a lift home.
The wait was long, but worth it. We got there at about 7ish, and only got food about 8ish. If this were blooies, we would've been bitching about the wait. But since it was only a coffeeshop, the coffeeshop was packed (I figured that they must have had about 50-70 orders before us) and the food was prepared fresh, we didn't complain. As with coffeeshop food, it did not arrive all at one go. First to show up at the table were the hot'n'spicy bratwursts ordered by Rickey, Sandman and my beloved. It was a massive plate covered in onions, fries, coleslaw and bun. Sadly the sausage was dwarfed by the rest of the stuff. It wasn't a very large sausage. Next came the deep fried jalapenos. They were delicious. Much much better than the ones served in Blooies. They were super crispy on the outside, and spicy, moist and cheesy on the inside. Super yum. Next came the Ribeye for the princess. It only cost $13 but it was huge and looked mighty yummy. Finally, our burgers arrived. But they screwed up the order. Rugburn and I ordered the botak double normal, and Horfun ordered the botak double with cheese. But they took her order as a botak burger with cheese (maybe the guy saw her ordering and didn't think she could finish a double). The burgers were HUGE. 150g patties, TWO of them. Rugburn couldn't fit it into his mouth, and I cheated. I removed the veges before I tried a bite.
Total bill came up to $69 for 7 people. It was american food at coffeeshop prices. This will make a great post ball dinner destination. And the crowd winds down at about 8ish, so if we hang around at Joes till about 8 and head there, we'd get a table and also not have to wait too long for our food. The variety is pretty good too. And beer is CHEAP... coffeeshop prices for the bottled tigers.

The Double Botak, covered in Cheese. Horfun wanted this, but only got the single. Rugburn and I had it without the cheese.

Rickey and Sandman had this. But as a set, with fries and the works. Imagine this plate, covered with fries and coleslaw.
Monday, November 13, 2006
11 November 2006 - Rain Rain Rain
TWOS: DT, H, Rickey
Game 1: ONES 214 : TWOS 262
Game 2: ONES 389 : TWOS 341
Game 3: ONES 442 : TWOS 269
There was a thunderstorm brewing and at 2pm, the skies opened up and the heavens rained down on us. Through the use of modern technology aka SMS, messages were sent out to almost everyone to inform them to stay at home, and to call off the game. However, since most of us live only for saturdaysoftball and have no other plans on a saturday afternoon, alternate plans were concocted. More SMSes were sent out and a new time and place to meet up was decided. 4pm, Henderson Road SAFRA, Bowling Alley... Those do look like cricket scores... but no, we only went bowling.
Game 1 saw utter domination by Rickey and DT, both cracking the century mark to carry H. H had probably the worst game of her entire bowling career, but thankfully, she did not let it affect her as she picked herself up to score well in the second and third games. Rugburn showed that he had some power, but the pins were not falling well for him. Horfun and Sandman showed good consistancy, but sadly the drains saw more of their balls than the pins.
After a 50 pin win, Seven, the late arrival was assigned to the ONES. It was a mistake. The TWOs should have traded for Horfun or Sandman. Seven had some skills on the lane, and he combined well with Rugburn. Even so, the TWOS managed to get at least hundred points each to take the (Average) win, but not the total win. This time, Rugburn, Horfun and Seven were showing their stuff, with Sandman falling far behind.
Game 3 belonged to Rugburn. He took The Lebowski award with an astonishing 140 pin game. Seven was close behind with 132 pins and both Horfun and Sandman put up high 80s numbers to seal the win for the ONES. Sandman was the king of 9s in game 3. He constantly dropped 9 pins in each frame and could not drop the last one for the win. The TWOs started off strong with a strike a piece, but struggled to maintain the lead. They even moved on to lighter balls as the balls got heavier with each roll.
The Lebowski Award: Rugburn
The Firststrike Award: DT
The 9pin Award: Sandman
Most Hats Thrown: Rickey
We went to a new place for dinner after bowling. Looks like this might be the new 'chicken burger'/'blooies' destination for post ball dinner. The food is as good as blooies, but as cheap as chicken burger. American food with American portions at coffeeshop prices.
Link here for Menu
Friday, November 10, 2006
DT takes a break
one comment before I go... DY's kid has bigger muscles than he does. Must be all the clean and clear that they're applying on his skin.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, November 05, 2006
4 November 2006 - Horfun the Diplomat
TWOS: 1B: Heidi/Rube; 2B: Horfun; SS: DT: LF: Rugburn; CF: Rube/Heidi; RF: Marc
ONES: 20
We played Indiana/Prof. Zen Rules. It was a fairly close game until the last inning when the ONES pulled away in the bottom of the 8th for the win. Most of the ONES runs were scored on 2-out rallies, which raised Rube's blood pressure. Overall, it was a good day, but nothing spectacular. We did have quite a bit of "intrusion" from soccer players. On one side Horfun showed off her diplomatic skills by speaking Vietnamese and getting the fools to move. On the other side, Superdad almost hit someone with a hard line drive in the head.
1) Nigey-pooh scored 4 of the first 5 runs for the ONES, keeping them in the game until the others could get going; 2) Horfun stopped a rally with a great double play. She caught a Rickey line-drive, and then got Indiana who had already stepped off 2B; 3) DY showed up with the wife and kid, who is on the 'roids (for a rash); 4) Went bowling after Joe's. Without the Mick, no one stood out although Superdad got high scores.
MBP: Nigey-pooh
Diplomat of the Year; Horfun
Play of the Day: Horfun
DY: Keagan
Lebowski: Superdad
Saturday, November 04, 2006
On 11/2/06, Kari Heggelund wrote:
Fun to read the updates on the site!
However, I think you should post a picture of dear Joe on the site too
- after all, he is a great guy who loves the team;)
I will probably miss sneaking in on the BBQ the 16th!
All the best,
Kari (who is thinking Karl was right about me staying in Singapore,
since it is -15 degrees and too much snow outside, and it is clearly
not a nice temprature to watch a game of softball - nor play)
Kari Heggelund